Product Name : [R]HAX-Reborn V2 Released : 21-12-2010 Creator : RCD Version Supported : PB Indo (ALL Hack Supported ), PB Thailand, PB Rusia, PB Turki, PB Brazil, Project BlackOut (Only ASM HACK !). Greetz to : [*] hrd [*] AWP [*] DewaPB a.k.a Irvan R.F.O [*] and many more... Archive Type : ZIP Packer : "[R]HAX-RebornV2.dll" <~ Packed with VMProtect "[R]HAX-Reborn_V2.exe" <~ Packed with UPX Included files : ~>[R]HAX-Reborn_V2.exe Game Target : PointBlank Anti-Cheat : AhnLab HackShield Pro Type : Trainer + Auto Logging Feature : [//] ============ASM Hack========== [//] [*] Minimize On = NUMPAD 4 [*] Minimize Off = NUMPAD 1 [*] Wallshot On = NUMPAD 5 [*] Wallshot Off = NUMPAD 2 [*] Bomberman On = NUMPAD 6 [*] Bomberman Off = NUMPAD 3 [*] Ammo On (Special for PB Brazil) = LCTRL + PAGEUP [*] Ammo Off (Special for PB Brazil) = LCTRL + PAGEDOWN [//] ============================== [//] [//] ========Character Hack======== [//] [*] Use Assault Beret + Char Hack = LCTRL + F1 [*] Use Sniper Beret + Char Hack = LCTRL + F2 [*] Use SMG Beret + Char Hack = LCTRL + F3 [*] Use SG Beret + Char Hack = LCTRL + F4 [*] Reset Character = CTRL + BACKSPACE [//] ============================== [//] [*] Quick Exit Process = PAUSE BREAK [*] Enable Free View Mode = F11 [*] Title Hack = F12 Blog : Note Tambahan : Boleh Posting selain di N3 tapi jangan lupa nama pembuatnya dan sumber postnya ! Cara pemakaian : o Activating = Simply run [R]HAX-Reborn_V2.exe and FireUp PointBlank o Minimize = Usahakan minimize gak perlu lama2, Tested 2 menit o Wallshot = Aktifkan sebelum ready, nonaktifkan saat loading map o Bomberman = Carilah timing yang tepat, Usahakan pake 3x lemparan saja. o Use Assault Beret + Char Hack = Aktifkan sebelum ready, RESET CHAR saat muncul text "SEDANG MEMPERSIAPKAN MULAI GAME" o Use Sniper Beret + Char Hack = Aktifkan sebelum ready, RESET CHAR saat muncul text "SEDANG MEMPERSIAPKAN MULAI GAME" o Use SMG Beret + Char Hack = Aktifkan sebelum ready, RESET CHAR saat muncul text "SEDANG MEMPERSIAPKAN MULAI GAME" o Use SG Beret + Char Hack = Aktifkan sebelum ready, RESET CHAR saat muncul text "SEDANG MEMPERSIAPKAN MULAI GAME" MD5 Sum : ( lihat di virustotal ) Note : o [R]HAX-Reborn V2 dilengkapi dengan Auto Logger yang dapat mencari offset sendiri dan keuntungannya adalah dapat juga untuk mencari offset game PointBlank luar, jadi Trainer ini TIDAK memerlukan UPDATE dan akan kompatibel selamanya walaupun PointBlank telah melakukan UPDATE berkali-kali o Tidak akan ada Patch / Update dalam waktu dekat o Untuk ASM Hack, dapat digunakan di seluruh versi PointBlank. PB Indo, PB Thailand, PB Rusia, PB Turki, PB Brazil, Project BlackOut. ================================================================= English : o For PointBlank'ers in Thailand, Rusia, etc... who wants use this hack, please read this ! o Activating : Simply run [R]HAX-Reborn_V2.exe and FireUp PointBlank o Hack currently support in PointBlank Thailand, Rusia, Turki, etc... only "ASM Hack" : Minimize, Wallshot, Bomberman, Ammo ( scroll up for HOTKEYS ) o How To's : Wallshot = On it before you click READY, OFF it while loading MAP ( map screen info ) Bomberman = On it while you in gameplay mode Ammo = On it while you in gameplay mode Minimize = This hack is for PointBlank version that can't be minimized. ex: PB Indonesia o Sorry for My Bad English.
21 Desember 2010
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