[Share] Cheat Ninja Saga Dodge Hack New

1. Cheat Engine 5.6
2. Mozilla or Google Chrome

1: Play ninja saga go to your
2: Open Cheat Engine and select your mozilla or chrome
3: Change the value to array of bytes ASROM
4: Scan a93f9a9999999999a93f
5: 1  returned. If there are more,select the  that ends with 6. (example: xxxxxxx6)
6. Double  the address so it appears in the CE table.
7.  the address.
8.  ”Add Address Manually”
9. Paste the address and add -6 at the end (example: xxxxxxx6-6)
10. Change Type to “Double”
11. Click OK
12. Change the value of this newly added address to “1″ OR YOU CAN PUT MORE
(1 means a decimal for 100%)
13. Now go fight, you will see that no one get a hit (always dodge) including your enemy
14:Now its time to make no dodge for our attack, to do it, do again step 8 till step 11.
15. Change the value to “-1″ OR YOU CAN PUT LOWER THAN THAT (like a was say before).
16. To use it all together, just put hotkeys on them. STILL DONT KNOW HOW TO PUT A HOTKEY??
17. okay, right click on one of the dodge cheat, choose set a hotkey (5th from above) put 1 and set
value to 1. do the same to the other one but put 0 and set value to 0.
18. Now u can play Ninja Saga as a master “dodge and undodge”, by simply 0 when your turn,
and press 1 before enemy turn.
Enjoy Cheating ^_^

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