[Share] Command & Conquer Generals PC Game

Command & Conquer | PC Game |Genre:Strategy | {178MB}

Command & Conquer Generals puts your trigger finger on the pulse of modern warfare. Choose a General in control of massive armies of bleeding-edge military weaponry across a globe teetering on the brink of Armageddon. Command either the mighty U.S. Army, the Chinese war machine or the resourceful Global Liberation Army, each packed with high-tech arsenals ready to deliver unprecedented firepower on land or in the skies. Prepare your forces, Commander... it's time to engage in the next generation of 3D real-time strategy Command & Conquer Generals.
Command & Conquer, with the impressive visuals and highly refined and accessible gameplay that have come to characterize the best entries in this genre. Die-hard fans of Command & Conquer may lament a few of the departures Generals makes from the series' roots, and the game does have a few rough edges, but Generals is still one of the best real-time strategy games around.

games, despite its much improved appearance and its seemingly more conventional array of infantry, tanks, and aircraft. Like in Red Alert 2, battles in Generals are often quick and decisive, largely due to the immense power of many of the game's units, the presence of devastating super weapons on each side, and the generally fast pace. Also, while each faction has a good variety of units at its disposal, you'll likely get the impression that the number of unit types per faction was limited so that each unit type could play an important role in most any fight--and also to leave room for an expansion pack. The lack of seafaring units in the game is a disappointing omission, given the importance of ships in most previous Command & Conquer games (not to mention in actual modern warfare), but the designers have still done an excellent job of imaginatively differentiating the game's three sides.

Command & Conquer milieu can nevertheless be found in Generals--fans will be glad to see huge, double-barreled tanks, crack-shot commandos, nuclear missile silos, flamethrower tanks, and other such C&C mainstays back and looking better than ever. Many of the twists added to Red Alert 2 remain intact as well, such as the ability to garrison infantry in civilian buildings and the ability of units to gain experience levels by defeating foes.


Password:- raja

Refferensi : gamendhackz

1 komentar to "[Share] Command & Conquer Generals PC Game"

  • In addition, if you command a group of units to attack move, they won't attack an enemy's buildings unless you tell them to attack the buildings. If you want to raze an enemy base, you have to tell your units to destroy each building one at a time. The only conceivable reason they would refuse to fix this problem is they think it makes the game more frantic and action packed. Personally, I think it is an inexcusable problem that necessitates far too much micromanagement. They should fix the problem or at least have an option to give your units a GED so they will defend and attack properly.

    The PC game includes the standard mouse and keyboard controls, whereas the consoles have adapted the controls for the much simpler controllers. Accessing building queues on the consoles is simplified by pressing a shoulder button. An enlargeable mini-map makes it easier to quickly move across the battlefield. You can more easily make mixed control groups by holding down a button while you choose various units.

    Command & Conquer

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